Dried Leaf Tips

//Dried Leaf Tips

When the tips of a houseplant die back like this there are three likely causes. 1.Hot drafts from heating units. Many plants, including polkadot plant, don’t like hot air that blasts nearby, so if this plant is near a radiator that could be the cause, or one contributor, to what you see. 2. Incomplete watering/drying. Some plants develop brown tips if they dry out in between waterings. Tips can also shrivel when the watering isn’t through…in other words, when the entire root ball of the plant isn’t being well soaked all at one time. If plants are watered “in dribs and drabs” or just given “a lick and a promise” they can get brown tips because the outer roots near the edges of the pot dry up. 3. Fertilizer burn can also cause this – this happens when fertilizer is applied in too high a concentration, or when a thirsty, dry plant is given fertilizer without first watering the plant well. Always mix synthetic fertilizers according to directions and only apply to well-watered plants.

With a polkadot plant two other conditions that might contribute to what you see are the plant being in too strong of sunlight, or the tips of the leaves touching a cold window. Finally, sometimes the symptoms we see on plants are the combination of two or more conditions as well. So go through the list we presented and see if one or more of these might be the problem.

By | 2015-12-29T13:19:21-08:00 December 29th, 2015|House Plants|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. The c May 3, 2021 at 9:07 pm - Reply

    Thank you most helpful solution

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