Houseplant Palm Problem

//Houseplant Palm Problem

Your Phoenix palm will do best outdoors but we think you brought it for the winter. Here are some care tips: Indoors it needs bright indirect light, regular water, and feed with a slow-release fertilizer formulated for container palm plants. Yellowing or browning of the fronds or dried out fronds may be the result of: insufficient light, lack of humidity or insect/disease problem. From your description however the main problem was putting it near a heating vent. The palm dried out and we do not know if it will come back. If you do not see any signs of insect infestation (spider mites are common leaf undersides-fine webbing), then perhaps there is alsoa watering problem. If the plant is in a saucer, do not allow the plant to sit in the water as this may lead to root rot and make sure the plant is in well-draining soil – palms do not like soggy soil conditions. Also fertilize only with a slow-release or organic food formulated for container palm plants. Remove any brown leaves. Hope this helps your palm to recover.

By | 2016-02-27T18:41:05-08:00 February 27th, 2016|House Plants|0 Comments

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