American Beautyberry

//American Beautyberry

Great shrub. Native. Fall berries. Attracts birds. Wildlife beneficial. A fast growing perennial that can be pruned way back (even to the ground) by deer or shears and rebound in no time. American beautyberry has fragrant, fuzzy green foliage that is considered moderate in its preference to deer. In mid-summer, each leaf axil is surrounded by loads of small, pinkish to bluish flowers followed by clumps of powerfully bright, purple drupes. The flowering to fruiting works its way slowly up each stem until the leaves begin changing to yellow in the fall. After leaf fall, the persistent drupes stay put until the deer and birds nab them. Although tolerant of shade and drought, the best fruiting and growth occurs with plenty of sunlight on a fertile and moist but well drained site.

By | 2016-03-21T07:04:36-07:00 March 21st, 2016|Shrubs|0 Comments

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