Royal Red Good Luck Plant

//Royal Red Good Luck Plant

A beautiful rich burgundy cultivar of Euphorbia trigona. The stem is a lovely marbled burgundy with wavy, reddish burgundy margins and some small burgundy leaves during the active growing season. Excellent for use in bright areas of the home or office or as a patio plant in more temperate regions. To maintain the red color of the leaves and enhance the body color, provide more sunshine for this plant by placing it near a sunny window or outdoors in full sun. If the weather is very warm, be sure to water more often to prevent the leaves from falling and the plant from becoming scorched. In time, becomes a much branched shrub to 6′ in height. Responds well to warmth, with its active growth period in the late spring and summer months. Porous soil with adequate drainage. Water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch during active growing season. Requires bright light to full sun for best appearance, and should be given a winter resting period at which time less water should be given. Protect from frost.

By | 2016-03-03T21:35:47-08:00 March 3rd, 2016|Succulents|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. Judith Tassone December 14, 2020 at 11:39 am - Reply

    Do you know what could cause the limbs of the cactus to bend over? It appears to be heathy, has new growth on on it?

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