Mickey Mouse Plantbirds Eye Bush

//Mickey Mouse Plantbirds Eye Bush

Your plant is likely the evergreen shrub commonly known as Mickey Mouse plant or bird’s eye bush because of the berries and sepals similarity in appearance. Endemic to South Africa, their fragrant and short-lived yellow flowers emerge in spring and on and off throughout the year depending on weather conditions, followed by clusters of small green fruit that mature into glossy-black berries below bright red sepals (not really flowers, but the lingering sepals). By early summer the entire plant can be covered in what at first appears to be red flowers but is actually the lingering sepals and with closer inspection the combination of these sepals and the black berries show the resemblance to the face of Mickey Mouse or bird’s eye, hence their common names. Flowers best in full sun but will tolerate some shade. Once established, needs little to moderate water but will flower more when given supplemental water. Hardy to 27° F. It is a bee and butterfly magnet and birds love the berries. Can be pruned for shape or into hedges.

By | 2017-09-11T15:49:24-07:00 February 14th, 2016|Shrubs|0 Comments

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