Pests On Tomatoes

//Pests On Tomatoes

Do you have squirrels in the neighborhood? If not squirrels, raccoons? Some birds will peck holes in tomatoes to eat the insides. It doesn’t appear that the leaves are being bothered, but if they were, it could be the well camouflaged Tomato Hornworm.

Groundhogs love to eat tomatoes as well, so if you live in a part of the country that has groundhogs, take this into consideration.

Squirrels are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day and sleep at night. If your tomatoes are being eaten during the night, it’s not a squirrel.Racoons If the damage occurs overnight, it is likely raccoons.Squirrels, however, usually nibble a hole in the side of the tomato, eat just a little of it and then move on to do the same to the next tomato.

You can spray the tomatoes with a Hot Pepper Wax Animal Repellent, that will will deter them in the future and it washes off the fruit with warm water. Next year, maybe wire cages?

By | 2016-03-03T21:37:51-08:00 March 3rd, 2016|Plant Pests|0 Comments

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