Echeveria Purpusorum

//Echeveria Purpusorum

Native to slopes of Puebla, Mexico, forms a rigid rosette of nearly-triangular dark green leaves with reddish-brown markings and a silvery overlay. Excellent as a windowsill plant. In habitat, many Echeverias grow on rocky outcroppings at higher altitudes. In this habitat, the water drains quickly away from the roots of the plant, never allowing the plant to remain waterlogged. For this reason, it is essential in cultivation to use a very porous soil, which will allow quick drainage. Full sun to very bright light is required to prevent “stretching” of Echeverias (“stretching” occurs when a moderately fast growing plant such as an Echeveria, is grown in dim light or over-fertilized, which causes overly lush growth that contributes to weak, pallid plants). Water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch. Protect from frost. E. purpusorum is a highly variable plant in terms of leaf shape, color and markings.

By | 2016-02-21T06:44:03-08:00 February 21st, 2016|Succulents|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. Nazaria Cobarrubias November 16, 2021 at 1:40 pm - Reply

    Son hermosas maravillosas nuestras plantas mexicanas doy mexicana y sin encargo es lamentable que no las conocía antes asta ahora que vivo en otro país en lo personal es una vergüenza para mi que yo no conozca muchas cosas de mi país hermoso

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