Browning On Houseplant Leaves

//Browning On Houseplant Leaves

The browning on this plant is mostly on the older leaves, although we can see that a couple of the younger leaves are also showing some browning. Browning is usually a symptom of a plant drying out in between waterings. This might happen if the plant goes dry, but it can also happen if the plant is very root-congested. If your plant has been in the same pot for more than a year the browning is likely to be due to being root-bound. To remedy, put this plant in a pot that’s at least two inches larger on all sides and bottom, with fresh soil. If when you take the plant out of its current pot you see a white mass of roots instead of roots and dirt, you’ll want to use a pot that’s even bigger than that.

The other reasons plants might get browning of leaves don’t seem to fit what we see on this plant: if a plant has fertilizer burn from too much fertilizer all the leaves would brown at the same time, suddenly. If a plant has been moved into too bright sunshine suddenly the tops of all the leaves would be brown from sunburn. So it’s likely that what your are seeing is due to the plant either drying in between waterings, or the need for a larger pot or both.

By | 2016-01-13T11:10:34-08:00 January 13th, 2016|House Plants|0 Comments

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