
Care for a clivia: it is a perennial from tuberous rhizomes. Native to South Africa, it bears primarily orange, red, or yellow clusters of funnel-shaped flowers on stalks that emerge above the clumps of foliage in late winter-spring. Following the spent flowers, seed head berries appear that typically ripen to red-orange or yellow. It grows best indoors in bright indirect light and needs a period of coolness in winter to promote bloom. It should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry down to the first knuckle. Does not tolerate frost, but when day and evening temperatures remain mild, it will do very well outdoors in shade. Feed with a slow release fertilizer during its growth and bloom cycles. Do not water overhead, water at the plant’s base.

By | 2016-03-15T16:10:17-07:00 March 15th, 2016|House Plants|0 Comments

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