Spring Cactus Easter Cactus

//Spring Cactus Easter Cactus

We thank you so much for taking the time to provide additional comments. It made us realize that the text for Easter cactus was incorrect and did not properly identify the genus and species. Rhipsalidopsis are commonly known as Easter Cacti or Spring Cacti as they typically flower during April and May, and has typically reddish-orange. pink or white flowers. Often confused with Christmas Cacti or Schlumbergera, they are, in fact, similar in appearance but have very different flowers as you noted. The soil should be very porous, lightweight and slightly acidic. Slightly acidity can be provided by addition of peat moss or leaf mold. Plants must have good air circulation. Water thoroughly when soil becomes dry to the touch, but make sure water drains away rapidly. Soils that do not drain well and remain sodden for days or weeks will smother the root systems and encourage certain root diseases. Rhipsalidopsis thrive in temperatures between 70 and 80ŒÁF. Plants are happiest when night temperatures are between 55 and 65ŒÁF. Excellent as a hanging basket indoors in bright, airy spot or on a sheltered patio in temperate areas. Thank you again for your follow-up. It helped us to correct our database! Your Team at Garden Compass

By | 2017-09-11T15:49:26-07:00 January 22nd, 2016|Succulents|0 Comments

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