Tricolor Jade Plant

//Tricolor Jade Plant

Crassula obliqua, native to South Africa, is a tree-like shrub to 6′ or more in height. This is the cultivar ‘Tricolor’, which can have various leaf colors on the same plant. Some leaves are pale ivory with green striations or green mid-stripes. Others are completely ivory, or have splashes of ivory. New leaves are frosty yellow, becoming ivory with age. Leaves are margined with pink in cold weather or bright sun. Forms branching, thick elephantine trunk topped with a canopy of shiny leaves. The jade plant is a popular subject for bonsai training due to the inherent gnarly character of the thickened trunk and the ease with which it can be pruned and trained. An excellent plant for brightly lit areas in the house, patio and in more temperate climes can be planted in the garden or landscape. It needs porous soil with adequate drainage, and full sun to at least very bright light. Water thoroughly when soil is dry, and don’t water again until the soil has become fairly dry again – Jades do not tolerate soggy soil and should never be allowed to stand in water for any length of time – Protect from frost.

By | 2016-01-22T21:07:07-08:00 January 22nd, 2016|Succulents|0 Comments

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