
Unfortunately, peppers can be tricky to establish and there are several possible causes for your problems. Damage to pepper leaves can occur for many reasons. It could be situational, like too much water, crowded conditions, soil is too cool, too compact, or nutrient deficiency or excess. We also noticed the peppers are planted right next to the fence which can sometimes cause the yellowing or scorching (brown patches) on leaves because the fence reflects too high light intensity and heat to the plants. Unfortunately, these plants will not likely recover from the existing damage, and even if they did start to improve, they will never be as vigorous as you’d like for pepper fruit production. You may consider starting over with peppers and maybe put them in a raised bed with more organic matter content in the soil. Refer to this website for good info about growing peppers. See the links at the top of the page:

By | 2017-09-11T15:49:24-07:00 February 17th, 2016|Vegetable Plants|0 Comments

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